La Columbia University, en collaboration avec la Indiana University Climate Change Research Initiative, lance un appel à communications pour l’atelier suivant :
Environmental and Social Impacts of Climate Change on the Tibetan Plateau and Himalayan Region
qui se tiendra les 2 et 3 août 2024
Pour de plus amples informations, voir le détails ci-dessous :
This workshop offers a platform for sharing knowledge and disseminating awareness about climate change adaptation strategies, societal and cultural impacts, climate policy and governance, as well as indigenous and local knowledge in the Tibetan Plateau and Himalaya Region. Our aim is a cross-disciplinary approach drawing on glaciology, climatology, ecology, social sciences, engineering, and the humanities to offer holistic insights into climate change and adaptation.
Required Qualifications:
• Applicants should have expertise or be actively engaged in research related to the workshop themes.
• Priority will be given to applicants with an academic affiliation (e.g., Masters or PhD student, researcher, or faculty member) or relevant professional affiliation.
• Workshop papers are expected to present original research or insights that contribute to the academic or professional discourse on climate change in the Tibetan Plateau and Himalayan region.
Format: The workshop will feature one keynote and 3-4 sessions for approximately 3 hours per day, scheduled to accord with the time-zones of the selected presenters. Papers are subject to a time limit of 15-20 minutes to allow time for response by a discussant and workshop attendees. The workshop will be open to the public. Registration required.
Abstract (max. 300 words) and curriculum vitae due by July 8, 2024. You will be notified of the outcome by e-mail no later than July 15. To submit your proposal and curriculum vitae, visit:
If you have any questions, please contact us at