Conférence « Territories, Communities, and Exchanges in the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands », 18-20 février 2016

Territories, Communities, and Exchanges in the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands

18-20 February, 2016

We are delighted to share the program of the conference that will bring together twenty scholars during a 3-day event to be held at the Maison Internationale (Cité Universitaire Internationale de Paris).
You can visit the dedicated website ( for more information about the conference.
Please join us for this international conference, which will be the closing event of the ERC-funded project “Territories, Communities, an Exchanges in the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands”, hosted by the Centre for Himalayan Studies (CNRS).


Jeudi 18 / Thursday 18


9:00-9:15                          Introduction, Stéphane Gros


9:15-10:45                               Territories

Chair: Kunsang Namgyal Lama

Fabienne Jagou

Manchu Officials’ Khams Travel Accounts: Mapping a Course Through a Qing Territory

Rémi Chaix

Territorial Division of the Kingdom of Dergé During the Eighteenth Century

Discussant: Françoise Wang-Toutain

10:45-11:00: Pause/Break

11:00-12:30                             Trade

Chair: Nicolas Sihlé

Elizabeth Reynolds

Monasteries, Merchants, and Long Distance Trade: The Economic Power of Tibetan Monasteries in Northern Kham (1900-1959)

Lucia Galli

The Price of Enlightenment: The Travel Account of Kha stag ʼDzam yag, a Pilgrim and a Tshong dpon (1944-1956)

Discussant: Rémi Chaix

12:30-14:00: Déjeuner/Lunch

14:00-16:00                              Ingression

Chair: Stéphane Gros

C. Pat Giersch

Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion Along Twentieth-Century China’s Southwestern and Tibetan Borderlands

John Bray

French Catholic Missions and Sino-Tibetan Trade: Local Networks and International Enterprise

Lara Maconi

Schooling and Education in Kham during the ROC: Chinese Civilizing Mission and Tibetan Resistance to It

Discussant: Alice Travers


16:00-16:15: Pause/Break


16:15-17:45                              Farwest

Chair: Fabienne Jagou

Scott Relyea

Settling Authority: Sichuanese Farmers in Early Twentieth Century Eastern Tibet

Mark Frank

Chinese Physiocracy: Kham as Laboratory for the Agrarian Theory of China

Discussant: Yudru Tsomu


18:30: Welcome Cocktail

Vendredi 19 / Friday 19


9:00-10:30                               Leaders

Chair: Rémi Chaix

Yudru Tsomu

Rise of a Political Strongman in Dergé in the Early Twentieth Century: A Story of Jagö Topden

Dáša Mortensen

Wangchuk Tempa and the Control of Gyalthang in the Early-Twentieth Century

Discussant: Fabienne Jagou


10:30-10:45: Pause/Break


10:45-12:45                              Kinship

Chair: Yudru Tsomu

Chen Bo

“House Society” Revisited

Stéphane Gros

Matrifocality and the House in Drapa (Zhaba)

Giovanni da Col

Naven in Tibet: Hospitality and the House in a Male Cross-Dressing Ritual Among Yunnan Tibetans

Discussant: Tenzin Jinba



12:45-14:15: Déjeuner/Lunch


14:15-16:15                              Arts and Crafts

Chair: Katia Buffetrille

Kunsang Namgyal Lama

Khampa Metalwork Today and Its Specificities

Dawa Drolma

The Renaissance of Traditional Dzongsar Craft-making in the Meshö Valley: An Insider’s Perspective on New Economic Processes and Identity Transformations in Sino-Tibetan Borderlands

Isabelle Henrion Dourcy

Making Movies in the Gesar Heartland: The Burgeoning of a Kham Film Production in rDzogs-chen

Discussant: Françoise Robin

16:15-16:30: Pause/Break



The Ethics of Working in the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands

With Isabelle de Lamberterie, Tenzin Jinba, Alice Travers, Katia Buffetrille


Samedi 20 / Saturday 20

9:00-10:30                                In-Betweenness

Chair: Françoise Robin

Yasmin Cho

Thinking Through Kham: Buddhist Revivalism, the State, and Tibetan Buddhist Nuns in Yachen

Tenzin Jinba

Two Gyalrong Weddings Under Fire: Rethinking of the Ongoing “Sinicization” and “Tibetanization” on the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands

Discussant: Nicolas Sihlé


10:30-10:45: Pause/Break


10:45-12:15                              Borderlessness

Chair: Lara Maconi

Eric Mortensen

Boundaries of the Borderlands: Mapping Gyalthang

Katia Buffetrille

The Increasing visibility of the Borderlands

Discussant: Stéphane Gros



12:15-12:45: Conclusion and general discussion


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