Le Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire sur le Tibet et l’Himalaya (GRITH) de l’Université de Laval, au Québec, annonce la tenue de la conférence suivante :
Can the subaltern study Tibetan history?
par Riga Shakya (Columbia University)
La conférence se tiendra le 21 avril (à 16h30 heure de Paris, 10h30 heure de Montreal) en ligne, via Zoom.
Détails de la connexion :
ID de réunion : 895 0195 7806
Code secret : 776245
Résumé de la conférence :
Decolonial education, according to Walter Mignolo, is an expression of the changing geopolitics of knowledge where our modern epistemological framework for understanding the world is no longer interpreted as universal and instead becomes unbound by geo-historical contexts. In late 2019, along with a number of Tibetan studies scholars, I taught “Unlearning Tibet”, an innovative public humanities seminar hosted by High Peaks Pure Earth, where members of the global Tibetan and Himalayan diaspora participated in an introductory Tibetan history designed for heritage learners. Beginning with an introduction to how Tibetan intellectuals have approached the issue of representation from the 1980s onwards, I will outline the conception and approach of the seminar and share some preliminary thoughts on decolonial pedagogy and praxis in the context of Tibetan studies.