Marta Sernesi (EPHE) annonce la parution de son dernier ouvrage dont le titre est :
Re-enacting the Past. A Cultural History of the School of gTsang smyon Heruka
aux éditions Reichert Verlag.
Cette monographie sur l’école de gTsang smyon Heruka, qui retrace son développement en tant que mouvement réformateur et sa production littéraire entre le XVe et le XVIIe s. L’ouvrage comprend également la description bibliographique de plus de quatre-vingts œuvres imprimées par les maîtres de ce groupe religieux.
Résumé du livre :
This book is devoted to the study of the so-called “School of gTsang smyon,” i.e. the religious community that gathered around the Tibetan master gTsang smyon Heruka (1452–1507). Looking at a broad range of historical sources and reconstructing the religious and political context of the time, it sheds light on the school’s history, arguing that it represented an influential factor in the construction and codification of the self-representation of the bKa’ brgyud school in the south-western borderlands. This contribution provides an overview of the whole literary production of the tradition: besides the well-known narrative works, special attention is given to texts devoted to the esoteric practices of the Aural Transmission of Ras chung pa (ras chung snyan brgyud). A detailed handlist includes the bibliographic description of over 80 printed editions realised by the school in the 16th century, thus providing the most comprehensive overview of this xylographic production to date, as well as a substantial corpus for the study of Tibetan book history.
Pour plus de détails, voir la page de l’éditeur :