Le numéro 58 de la Revue d’Études Tibétaines vient d’être publié :
Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines
Numéro cinquante-huit – Avril 2021
“Giving a Meaning to an Illusory Wealth.” A Trader’s Pilgrimage
author: Lucia Galli
Misdiagnosis or Political Assassination? Re-examining the Death of Panchen Lama Lobsang Palden Yeshe from Smallpox in 1780
author: Lobsang Yongdan
Birthplace of the Seventh Karma pa, Chos grags rgya mtsho (1454–1506): Description draws from Tibetan Geomancy and Pilgrimage Guidebooks
author: Dominik Dell
Human Engagement on Manuscript Margins: Glimpses into the Social Life of a Collection of Buddhist Sūtras from Mustang
author: Markus Viehbeck
Entangled Objects: Gift, Reciprocity and the Making of the Imperial Subject in 18th Century Tibet
author: Riga Tsegyal Shakya
The Old sNar thang Tibetan Buddhist Canon Revisited, with Special Reference to dBus pa blo gsal’s bsTan ’gyur Catalogue
author: Orna Almogi
“Empty Like the Sky”: Polysemy and the Problem of “Mere Clear Awareness” at the Intersection of Sūtra and Tantra in Fifteenth-century Tibet
author: Rae Dachille
On the Version of the Vajracchedikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra Used in the 18th Century Kalmyk Scrolls
author: Alexander Zorin
Tibetan Expertise in Sanskrit Grammar (5): Two Blo gros brtan pas on Vyākaraṇa – So many Sthiramatis
author: Peter Verhagen
Compte-rendu de : Alexander Kingsbury Smith, Divination in Exile. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Ritual Prognostication in the Tibetan Bon Tradition
author: Per Kværne