Le Carleton Global Engagement Programs, au Carleton College (Minnesota), annonce le recrutement de deux enseignant.e.s en études bouddhiques pour un programme d’études bouddhiques en Inde à Bodhgaya.
Date limite pour envoyer sa candidature : 1er avril 2023
Pour de plus amples informations, voir l’annonce ci-dessous :
Carleton Global Engagement Programs seeks two instructors to accompany the Buddhist Studies Program to Bodh Gaya, India, in the fall of 2023. This semester-long program draws undergraduates from colleges throughout the United States and Canada.
Candidates should have background in one of the following: Buddhist philosophy, cultural anthropology, or conversational Hindi. Qualifications: Ph.D. preferred, but applicants with an M.A. will be considered; experience in teaching, in Buddhist meditation, and in living in India; maturity and flexibility; excellent health. Round-trip transportation, room and board for the duration of the program plus a stipend are provided.
Application materials should include curriculum vitae, two letters of reference, and a letter of application that discusses relevant academic and experiential background, qualifications to advise students in an intercultural setting, and reasons for wanting to go to Bodh Gaya.
Applications should be submitted by April 1, 2023 to: Arthur McKeown, Director, Buddhist Studies Program in India, Carleton Global Engagement Programs, One North College Street, Northfield, MN 55057. 507-222-4435 email: amckeown@carleton.edu