Le numéro 45 de la Revue d’Études Tibétaines vient d’être publié. Pour plus de détails, voir le site :
- Full text (3.5 MB)
- Cover, contents (138 kb, pp. i-iv)
- A Late Proponent of the Jo nang gZhan stong Doctrine: Ngag dbang tshogs gnyis rgya mtsho (1 MB, pp. 5-50)
author: Filippo Brambilla - Ratsag Monastery and its Vajrayoginī Nāro Khecarī Statue (1.9 MB, pp. 51-68)
author: Joona Repo - A study of written and oral narratives of Lhagang in Eastern Tibet (289 kb, pp. 69-88)
author: Sonam Wangmo - The Red Buddha Hall Road Revisited: New Information about the Tibetan and Tang Empires in Afghanistan Wakhan (2.2 MB, pp. 89-109)
author: John Mock - The Transformation of the Qing’s Geopolitics: Power Transitions between Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries in Amdo (2.7 MB, pp. 110-144)
author: Ling-Wei Kung - Direct Introductions into the Three Embodiments, Supreme Key-Instructions of the Dwags po Bka’ brgyud Tradition (458 kb, pp. 145-177)
author: Martina Draszczyk - The Signature of Recipes: Authorship, Intertextuality, and the Epistemic Genre of Tibetan Formulas (670 kb, pp. 178-220)
author: Barbara Gerke - Compte-rendu de Matthew Akester: Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo’s Guide to Central Tibet (162 kb, pp. 221-228)
author: Guntram Hazod - Compte-rendu de Daniel A. Hirshberg: Remembering the Lotus-Born. Padmasambhava in the History of Tibet’s Golden Age (118 kb, pp. 229-232)
author: Manuel Lopez - Compte-rendu de Anne Burchardi: Catalogue of Tibetan Mandalas and Other Images (176 kb, pp. 233-236)
author: Amy Heller