Le numéro 55 de la Revue d’Études Tibétaines vient d’être publié :
Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines
Numéro cinquante-cinq – Juillet 2020
New Currents on the Neva River: Proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar of Young Tibetologists
В память о Павле Леоновиче Гроховском (1972–2018)
Edited by Natalia Moskaleva, Franz Xaver Erhard, Daniel Wojahn, Jed Forman, and Maria Smirnova
Editorial (120 kb, pp. vi-x)
author: Natalia Moskaleva, Franz Xaver Erhard, Daniel Wojahn, Jed Forman, and Maria Smirnova
Keynote: Tibetan Studies in Saint Petersburg: Past and Present (201 kb, pp. 1–14)
author: Vladimir Uspensky
Sounds of Speech and the Tiger’s Roar: Two Different Ways of Perceiving Vocal Music in Tibet in the 13th–17th Centuries (549 kb, pp. 15–34)
author: Polina Butsyk
Tantric Constraints in the Tibetan Medical Tradition: Theocratic Dynamics in Medical Practice (263 kb, pp. 35–53)
author: Tony Chui
Releasing Lives on the Grasslands of Amdo: Entanglements of Human and Animal Vitality (294 kb, pp. 54–78)
author: Maria Coma-Santasusana
A Yak, Na rak and Potalaka: Folios of the So-Called “Gyalpo Kachem” in US Museum Collections (509 kb, pp. 79–120)
author: Lewis Doney
Goldmine of Knowledge: The Collections of the Gnas bcu lha khang in ’Bras spungs Library (255 kb, pp. 121–139)
author: Cécile Ducher
Re-adapting a Buddhist Mother’s Authority in the Gung ru Female Sprul sku Lineage (401 kb, pp. 140–160)
author: Peter F. Faggen
“The Problem of Universals in Yogic Perception and Tsong kha pa’s Solution (347 kb, pp. 161–181)
author: Jed Forman
Resurrecting an Old Advice: Funerary Teachings in the Bka’ brgyad Cycle of Nyang ral nyi ma ’od zer (1124–1192) (259 kb, pp. 182–196)
author: Guy Grizman
Buddhist Tradition, Catalogued: Kingship and Nonsectarian Traces in an Early 18th-Century Dkar chag from Sde dge (335 kb, pp. 197–220)
author: Eric Haynie
The Origins of Tibetan Law: Some Notes on Intertextuality and the Reception History of Tibetan Legal Texts (322 kb, pp. 221–244)
author: Berthe Jansen
Reincarnation at Work: A Case Study of the Incarnation Lineage of Sum pa mkhan po (337 kb, pp. 245–268)
author: Hanung Kim
Treatise on Writing, Treatise on Music: Comparing Terminology (330 kb, pp. 269–291)
author: Anna Kramskova
Questioning Women: Ye shes mtsho rgyal and Other Female Disciples in Zhus lan Literature (340 kb, pp. 292–317)
author: Jue Liang
Prophecies and Past Lives of the Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho: On Interpretation and Authority in a Tibetan ’Khrungs rabs (882 kb, pp. 318–350)
author: Ian MacCormack
The Ming, Tibetan and Mongol Interactions in Shaping the Ming Fortification, Multicultural Society and Natural Landscape in Mdo smad, 1368–1644 (670 kb, pp. 351–384)
author: Gyatso Marnyi
The Monstrous and the Moral: Interpreting King Yama’s Narratological Arc in Returner Literature (271 kb, pp. 385–408)
author: Natasha L. Mikles
The Tibet Mirror and History Spinning in the 1950s and 1960s (347 kb, pp. 409–439)
author: Natalia Moskaleva
Shugs ldan and the Dalai Lama: A Conflict of Political Legitimation Processes? (340 kb, pp. 440–461)
author: Frédéric Richard
Tibetan Manuscript on Birchbark from the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS (1 MB, pp. 462–474)
author: Alla Sizova
Study of the Tibetan Linguistic Picture of the World Using Computer Ontology (326 kb, pp. 475–494)
author: Maria Smirnova
Curating a Treasure: The Bka’ brgyad bde gshegs ’dus pa in the Development of Rnying ma Tradition (305 kb, pp. 495-521)
author: Nicholas Trautz
Teaching the Living through the Tibetan Book of the Dead: Exploration into the Context and Content of an 18th-century Mongolian Block Print (392 kb, pp. 522-553)
author: Daniel Wojahn