Création d’une base de données sur le lexique indo-tibétain destinée aux chercheurs en indologie classique, tibétologie et bouddhologie, développée par plusieurs établissements.
Annonce de Orna Almogi :
We are pleased to announce the release of an updated online Beta version of the Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource (ITLR)—a collaborative lexical project.
The ITLR database is accessible at (click on “Viewer (Beta version)”; for search help look under “Users’ Guidelines”).
The ITLR, planned as a digital platform for researchers from the fields of classical Indology, Tibetology, and Buddhology, is not conceived as a dictionary or encyclopedia, but is rather envisioned as a digital reservoir, which will be developed over a longer period of time with the aim of accumulating and storing varied information on a wide-range of Indo-Tibetan lexical items, and thus becoming a digital treasury of reliable Indo-Tibetan lexical data that will serve the broad scholarly community interested in Indian and Tibetan texts and thought.
The database is built around Sanskrit headwords which are ordered as (1) words/terms/phrases, (2) names of places, (3) names of persons, and (4) titles of scriptures/treatises. It provides attested Tibetan translations of these lexical items, occurrences of them in primary sources, modern renderings, and references to them in discussions in academic works. The entries, having an accumulative nature, do not attempt to be “complete” and are meant to be supplemented and updated in the course of time. More details on the project—including its goals, scholars, projects, and institutions involved, and its history—are found at, under “Aims & Salient Features”.
The Beta version currently includes over 1200 entries from various areas of Indo-Tibetan literature—including a number of Tantric terms as well as words transmitted in traditional lexicography, alongside terms from Abhidharma, Logic, and other fields of Buddhist philosophy.
The database will be updated regularly in terms of both content—including the addition of new information to already published entries as well as the publication of new entries—and technology. Currently the ITLR database provides the contents only via the Web interface. We are, however, preparing for sharing the contents in the form of TEI and Linked Data, which will be published in the future.
New releases and updates of the ITLR database in terms of contents and technology will be announced regularly.
The core collaborating institutions are the Khyentse Center for Tibetan Buddhist Textual Scholarship (KC-TBTS) at the Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, Universität Hamburg, the International Institute of Digital Humanities (DHII), Tokyo, and SAT Daizōkyō Text Database at the Digital Humanities Initiative, Center for Evolving Humanities, Graduate School of the Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo. Further collaborating institutions are The University of Tsukuba (International Education and Research Laboratory Program for Indian and Tibetan Studies, Institute for Comparative Research in Human and Social Sciences (ICR)) and Mie University (The Vikramaśīla Project). The project also involves editors and contributors from other institutions, including the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia), Pune University (Department of Pali), University of Naples, Oxford University, Instituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, Rome, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Kyoto University, Komazawa University, Dongguk University, Seoul.