La CESS (Central Eurasian Studies Society) et la ESCAS (European Society for Central Asian Studies) annoncent un appel à communications pour une conférence ayant comme thème :
Geopolitics, Migrations and Identities in Central Eurasia
qui se tiendra à Lisbonne entre le 8 et le 10 janvier 2025.
Sont acceptées les communications portant sur tous les aspects des sciences humaines et sociales en Eurasie centrale – une région qui englobe l’Asie centrale, le Caucase, l’Iran, l’Afghanistan, le Xinjiang, le Tibet, la Mongolie, la Sibérie, la région de la mer Noire et la région de la Volga.
La date limite pour envoyer sa proposition de communication est le 15 juillet 2024.
Sont bienvenues également les présentations de livre, documentaires, podcasts.
Pour de plus amples informations, voir les détails ci-dessous :
Send your submission to this email address – – with the title «Submission».
– Papers and panels: In addition to individual papers (max.300 words and five keywords), we strongly encourage participants to submit proposals for organised panels and roundtables (max.300 words and five keywords), comprising 3/5 participants from different universities or research institutions, one chair, and, in some instances, a discussant.
– Nesting: Are you a member of the Board of a Scientific Society, a Research Center, a Cultural Institute related to Central Eurasia? Please consider the possibility of organizing a special session only with participants from your organisation – and we can offer you a room to hold a Board Meeting or Assembly.
– Bring your book! Have you recently published/edited a book? You have two alternatives to present it: a roundtable (max. 5 participants, 90 min.) or a shorter, individual presentation and a Q&A (45 min.).
– Bring your documentary! Have you recently directed/produced a documentary film (max. 60 min. – fiction not accepted)? You can screen and discuss it during the conference.
– Bring your podcast! There will be a room specially equipped to record podcasts or similar sessions. Please contact us in advance.
Attention, afin de participer à la conférence, il faut être membre d’au moins une des deux associations.