Le Journal of Dharma Studies. Asian and Transcultural Religion, Philosophy, & Ethics lance un appel à contributions pour un numéro spécial de sa revue sur le thème suivant : « Perspectives and Rituals on Grief and Grieving »
Pour de plus amples informations, voir la page du journal : https://www.springer.com/journal/42240
La date limite pour envoyer sa contribution est le 15 octobre 2022.
Plus de détails dans l’appel (en anglais) :
Religious ontologies of life and death are central to rituals of grief and grieving. These rituals are meaning-making practices that attend to the personal, social, religious, and emotional dimensions of the grieving process. Rituals from the Dharma traditions, in particular, attend to the vast range of emotions people experience around death, such as fear, sorrow, and loss. In traditional contexts, grieving rituals within the Dharma traditions allow individuals and communities to engage with death in ways that go beyond the purely psychological or scientific.
This special issue aims to evoke empathy, inquiry, and awareness around the topics of death, grief, and mourning in non-Western philosophies and religions. We invite submissions from scholars of various disciplines and subfields, such as but not limited to sociology, anthropology, theology, religious studies, cultural studies, art and aesthetics, and science and religion. JDS focuses on Dharma traditions (Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain), and we would welcome contributions from outside the Dharma traditions if they are comparative or dialogical in nature. Topics can include but are not limited to:
- Religious practices and issues around grieving during the COVID-19 pandemic
- The social, psychological, and emotional significance of death rituals
- The changing nature and/or loss of religious grieving rites in the modern era
- Autoethnography of grieving rituals in religious traditions
- Religious and spiritual significance for end-of-life care
- Grief and grieving rituals for the Anthropocene and non-human subjects