Vous êtes invités à nous rejoindre pour la conférence suivante, organisée par la SFEMT :
Mme Sienna Craig,
Associate Professor à Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire)
nous parlera sur le thème :
Social Ecologies of Health, Illness, and Medicines in Amdo:
Narratives from Nomadic and Farming Communities
le lundi 10 juin 2013, de 16 à 18h
Salle numéro 1 Louis Massignon
Collège de France, Site Cardinal Lemoine
52, rue du Cardinal Lemoine, 75005 Paris
Résumé :
The practice of evoking, listening to, and analyzing illness narratives occupies an important place within medical anthropology and related disciplines. Such methodologies can be used to help make sense of human responses to suffering. Illnesses narratives also illustrate how medical pluralism is lived. This talk is based on semi-structured illness narrative interviews conducted in 2010 with men and women from two culturally Tibetan regions in Qinghai Province, China. One field site was in a nomadic community in mTsho-lho (Hainan) Prefecture, while the other was an agricultural community in rMa-lho (Huangnan) Prefecture. These interviews revealed how health and illness are situated within distinct social ecologies. I explore how and why people access Tibetan medicine, Chinese style biomedicine, Chinese medicine, and forms of ritual healing in these Amdo communities. By definition, the stories that people tell about experiences of illness are fragmented, incomplete, told from particular perspectives, and shaped by the circumstances of the interview. Even so, illness narratives can be useful in understanding dynamics between doctors and patients, between anthropologists and their interlocutors, and within families or networks of care. These stories also reveal relationships between environmental, social, and political-economic circumstances in the shaping of health, illness, and the quest for medicine(s) during times of transition and challenge throughout Tibetan regions in the PRC.