L’EPHE annonce le cycle de conférence de
Daniel Berounsky (Charles University of Prague), directeur d’étude invité de Charles Ramble.
Le cycle de conférence a comme sujet :
Some features of purification rituals and the cult of local deities in Tibet
The notion of ritual purity has strong influence over the Tibetan societies as a whole and stems from non-Buddhist values. Despite the rather unifyied form of purification rituals (bsang, sel, tshan, glud) appears in the societies under the strong influence of Buddhist clergy, the older textual sources witness their great diversity which unables one to come with some definite conclusive overview of them. Some features of the selected purification rituals will be approached from both the information collected from the fieldwork in Amdo and the ritual texts.
La première séance aura lieu le
The cult of local deities in contemporary Amdo.
The cases of the cult of local deities from pastoralist societies, farmers and monastic communities of contemporary Amdo will be presented and commented upon.