La SFEMT a le plaisir d’annoncer la tenue, dans le cadre du Cycle de Conférences SFEMT 2023/2024, de la conférence suivante :
Imprinting the national language in the multilingual landscape of borderlands
par Gegentuul Baioud (Université de Uppsala)
le lundi 17 juin 2024 à 18h00 via Zoom (
Résumé de la conférence :
Reengineering public spaces has long been one of the most avidly pursued projects by nation-state builders worldwide. In Inner Mongolia, the Chinese state-orchestrated spatial reconfiguration centers on altering multilingual public spaces to reinscribe the hegemony of the national common language – Mandarin Chinese – in built environments. This talk examines how the language battle waged in built environment is indexical to sociopolitical and cultural processes in the multilingual borderlands; and how it functions as a political project engineered into the lived environments, bodies and hearts of ethnic minorities.
A propos de la conférencière :
Dr. Gegentuul Baioud is a researcher at the Hugo Valentin Centre of History Department, Uppsala University. Her research interests include linguistic nationalism, ethnic politics, multilingualism, emotion, and intercultural communication.