Cycle de conférences SFEMT 2024/2025 : Valentina Punzi

La SFEMT a le plaisir d’annoncer la tenue, dans le cadre du Cycle de Conférences SFEMT 2024/2025, de la conférence suivante :

Challenging ascribed marginality: the Baima community in the Sino-Tibetan borderlands
par Valentina Punzi (EPHE-PSL/CRCAO)

le jeudi 13 février 2025 à18h00
salle 5.28 INALCO, 65, rue des Grands Moulins 75013 Paris
et via Zoom (

**La conférence sera précédée par l’Assemblée Générale de la SFEMT à17h00 et sera suivie par un cocktail offert par la SFEMT**

Résumé de la conférence :
Baima is a community of ten thousand settled at the border between Gansu and Sichuanprovinces in the PRC. Following the Chinese state-led ethnic identification in the 1950s, the Baima were classified as Tibetan/Zang. Yet, as it is the case for other communities in the Sino-Tibetan borderlands, the peculiarity of the Baima language as well as their distinctive ritual practices set them apart from “mainstream” Tibetans, i.e. literate in Tibetan script and Buddhist.
Fueled by the scant historical documentation available and the popularized results of DNA analysis and anthropometrics, contemporary Baima self-identify as the descendants of an ancient – unknown and unnamed – tribe. Baima also pride themselves on sharing their hometown with the rare giant pandas that are still living in the wild. This contribution explores the use of cultural heritage-endorsed tropes and “invented traditions” that Baima rely on to discursively articulate their identity beyond their ascribed marginality to the Tibetan/Zang group and in the Chinese society at large.

Image : Valentina Punzi. Slogan on the sidewall of the Baima Xiang government building. It reads: « The Baima past lies in Baima, the Baima present lies even more in Baima, the Baima future still lies in Baima ». (Baima Xiang 2018)

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