La SFEMT a le plaisir d’annoncer la tenue de la présentation d’ouvrage suivant :
Re-enacting the Past. A Cultural History of the School of gTsang smyon Heruka
par Marta Sernesi (EPHE-CRCAO)
le lundi 13 décembre à 17h30
La présentation se fera à distance, via Zoom.
Détails pour accéder à la présentation :
ID de réunion : 922 3504 1197
Résumé de l’ouvrage :
This book is devoted to the study of the so-called “School of gTsang smyon,”
that is to say the religious community that gathered around the Tibetan master
gTsang smyon Heruka (1452–1507), the “madman of gTsang,” known as the
compiler of the Life and Songs of Mi la ras pa. Examining a broad range of
historical sources and reconstructing the religious and political context of the
time, this work sheds light on the school’s history, arguing that it represented
a movement of religious reform, and that gTsang smyon’s pupils had a pivotal
role in promoting their teacher’s work and in broadening its scope. The
school’s literary production appropriated figures of the past, the foremost
being that of Mi la ras pa, to champion specific values and teachings that
gradually gained a prominent place in the auto-representation of the bKa’
brgyud school. The book reconstructs the development of the religious group,
focusing on some of the most influential and prolific figures among the
master’s followers, and retracing its diffusion and influence in the Himalayan
borderlands until the 18 th century. Moreover, a detailed handlist includes the
bibliographic description of over eighty printed editions realised by members
of the school in the 16 th century, thus providing the most comprehensive
overview of this xylographic production to date, and gathering a substantial
corpus for the study of Tibetan book history.
Further information, the table of contents, and the book’s preface may be
found at the following link: