Les 4 et 5 avril prochains se tiendront, à la Maison de l’Asie (Paris), deux journées d’étude sur le thème suivant :
Women on the Roof of the World: Identity, Ethnicity, and Modernity
organisées par Chandra Ehm (EPHE/LMU), Chang Liu (EPHE), Qiujie Chen (EPHE)
Dans le cadre de ces journées d’étude, la présentation suivante sera ouverte au public :
09:30-10:30 CEST, 4 avril
Prof. Françoise Robin (INALCO/IFRAE) : Gender Studies and Tibetan Studies: A Still Uneasy Relationship
The world of Tibetan and Himalayan studies, an otherwise vibrant and innovative field of academic research on the world stage, has been slow in embracing or even making room for gender studies. Women in Tibet, edited by Janet Gyatso and Hanna Havnevik in 2005, was a watershed and certainly filled in a blank, emboldening other researchers to embark upon that small-trodden path. But much remains to be done. This brief talk will explore the possible reasons for that late awakening, and will suggest potential developments for the future.
Pour plus d’informations, voir la page de l’événement :