Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies Spring 2022 Lecture Series

L’Université de Gand annonce la tenue de la série de séminaires suivants :

The program (including abstracts and speaker bios) and registration details can be found here. Registration is in Dutch, but this can easily be mechanically translated by Google or a comparative service. Please note that for each lecture there is the option to register for in person or online participation. Take note that online registration options falls immediately below the in person registration for each lecture (so each talk appears to have two registration options). If you experience trouble with registration please contact

Program below:

1. March 10 Nan Ouyang (Ghent): Sacred geography in Chinese Religion

2. March 17 William Bodiford (UCLA): Our Dogen: His birth, lives, and afterlives

3. March 24 Lindsey DeWitt (Ghent): The Dharma of Japanese Sumo: Religion, Tradition, and the Female Taboo

4. March 31 Berthe Jansen (Leipzig & Leiden): What is Buddhist about law? A view from early modern Tibet

5. April 21  Charles DiSimone (Ghent): Putting Together a Puzzle Without All the Pieces: Reading Damaged Buddhist Manuscripts

6. April 28 Amy Langenberg (Eckerd College) & Ann Gleig (University of Central Florida): Did the Buddha Teach Consent?: Buddhist Ethics After Sexual Abuse in Contemporary North American Communities

7. May 5 Naomi Appleton (Edinburgh) & Chris Jones (Cambridge): Three Paths, Two Buddhas and One Vehicle: Disentangling Indian Buddhist Literature

8. May 12 Eric Greene (Yale University): Did Early Chinese Buddhists Understand their Scriptures? – What the Earliest Chinese Buddhist Commentaries Show Us

This series has been organized by the Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies and the Humanities Academy.

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