Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines
Numéro soixante-cinq– Octobre 2022
The Zurkhang (zur khang; Adjunct House) in 1950s Kyidron
author: Geoff Childs
The Transmission Lineages of the Raktayamāri Tantric Cycles in the Sa skya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism: The Gshin rje chos ’byung of A mes zhabs Ngag dbang kun dga’ bsod nams (1597–1659)
author: Aleksandra Wenta
The salt trips in Tibet and the Himalayas: extraction and trade in pre-modern times
author: Santiago Lazcano
The Place of Dan ’bag pa sMra ba’i seng ge in the Tibetan Epistemological Tradition
author: Jonathan Stoltz
Against Pilgrimage: Materiality, Place, and Ambivalence in Tibetan Pilgrimage Literature
author: Catherine Hartmann
Empty Iridescent Spheres. Notes on the Metaphysics of Light in Indian and Tibetan Buddhist Tantric Sources
author: Giacomella Orofino
Compte-rendu de Cuevas, J. Bryan. The Rwa Pod and Other ‘Lost’ Works of Rwa Lo tsā ba’s Vajrabhairava Tradition
author: Aleksandra Wenta
Compte-rendu de Hartmut Walravens, Agnes Stache-Weiske. Der Linguist Anton Schiefner (1817–1879) und sein Netzwerk
author: Alexander Zorin
Compte-rendu de Karine Gagné. Caring for Glaciers, Land, Animals, and Humanity in the Himalayas
author: Patrick Kaplanian
Compte-rendu de Christian Jahoda et Christiane Kalantari. Early West Tibetan Buddhist Monuments. Architecture, Art, History and Texts
author: Patrick Kaplanian