Elisabeth Benard annonce la parution d’un nouveau livre intitulé
The Sakya Jetsunmas. The Hidden World of Tibetan Female Lamas.
Il s’agit d’une publication privée et sa distribution est gratuite. Il faut toutefois compter environ 8€ pour l’envoi de chaque exemplaire. Les personnes en France souhaitant se procurer l’ouvrage peuvent contacter schneidernicola(arobase)hotmail(point)com
Résumé du livre :
The Sakya Jetsunmas is the first in-depth study of the great female Buddhist practitioners born into the Khon family of Tibet. These Jetsunmas (“venerable women”) received the same training as their brothers, taught some of the most famous male lamas of their times, and—in rare documented examples of transmission from one female adept to another—sometimes taught a great niece who also became a renowned teacher.Distilling historical textual sources, oral tradition, and contemporary interviews, this book profiles Jetsunma Chime Tenpai Nyima (1756–ca. 1855), Jetsunma Tamdrin Wangmo (1836–96), Kyabgon Pema Trinlei (1874–ca. 1950), and Jetsun Kushok Chimey Luding (b. 1938), and introduces Jetsunma Kunga Trinley (b. 2007).