Le Weatherhead East Asian Institute, à l’Université Columbia de New York, annonce le recrutement d’un.e post-doctorant.e avec une position sur les études tibétaines modernes. L’accent est mis sur les recherches portant sur le climat et l’environnement sur le haut plateau tibétain.
La date limite pour soumettre sa candidature est le 20 mars 2023.
Pour de plus amples informations, voir la page de l’annonce : https://tibet.columbia.edu/news/applications-now-open-postdoctoral-research-scholar-modern-tibetan-studies
Détails de l’annonce :
The Weatherhead East Asian Institute invites applications for the role of Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Modern Tibetan Studies for academic year 2023-2024.
WEAI seeks a Postdoctoral Research Scholar who studies Tibet, specifically Climate and Inner Asia, from any of a broad range of disciplines, including anthropology, environmental studies, geography, history, political science, and religion. Early-career scholars working in fields of study in the sciences, such as hydrology and dendrology, and with a focus on the Tibetan Plateau are also encouraged to apply. The Research Scholar will teach one course each semester as well as pursue their own research. At least one of the two courses will be a seminar in the Research Scholar’s area of expertise, directed at advanced undergraduate and M.A. students. The Research Scholar will participate in collaborative projects with other Tibetan studies scholars, staff and students, and they will be an active participant in day-to-day WEAI programs and events.