Job description
The Department of Cultural Anthropology, part of the Faculty of Social and
Behavioural Sciences, invites applicants for a two-year post-doctoral
position in sociocultural anthropology.
We seek an energetic and talented researcher who is able to develop his/her
own research line within the new departmental research program Sovereignty
and Social Contestation, and shows considerable promise of acquiring a
prestigious personal ERC of NWO grant.
The desired research line should address societal and cultural processes
that shape the dynamics of sovereignty and social contestation. The
geographic areas of expertise are open.
Sovereignty is understood here in terms of modern forms of security,
surveillance, biopower, and disciplinary practice as well as the
self-organisational capabilities of individuals, grass-roots organisations,
civil society and global configurations that undermine authoritative claims
to sovereignty.
For more info:
Postdoc in Sociocultural Anthropology Utrecht University – —