Programme du Tibetan Graduate Studies Seminars (Université de Oxford)

L’Université de Oxford annonce le programme des prochains séminaires du groupe Tibetan Graduate Studies Seminars qui se tiendront à distance, via Zoom :

  • 29 avril – Marlene Erschbamer (Independent scholar). Buddhism and Gender Perspectives in Sikkim: Historical and Contemporary Approaches.
  • 6 mai – Westin Harris (University of California Davis). Virūpākṣa: Towards an Indo-Tibetan Siddha Corpus.
  • 13 mai – Daniel Wojahn (University of Oxford). Reading khrims Between the Lines: The Evolution of Legality in Central Tibet During the 13th Century.
  • 20 mai – Hannah Klepeis (Max Planck Institute Halle). The Social Life of the Shugden Controversy: Rumour, Mistrust and Personhood in the Tibetan Borderlands.
  • 27 mai – Riga Shakya (Columbia University). Epistolary Friendships and the Poetics of Polity.
  • 3 juin – Mareike Wulff (Humboldt University). Dressing the Deity—The Attire of ’cham Performers in-between sādhāna and Bhutanese Everyday Wear.
  • 10 juin – Aleksandra Wenta (University of Florence). Tāranātha on the Emergence of the Tantric Cycle of Vajrabhairava-Yamāntaka.
  • 17 juin – Tenzin Desal (Tibet Policy Institute). Muge Samten and Contesting the Colonial Politics of Recognition.

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