Le numéro 44 de la Revue d’Études Tibétaines, consacré aux études rDzogs chen (volume II), vient d’être publié ; voir le site :
- Préface (110 kb, pp. 5-8)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Muddy Waters and Blurred Lines: A ro ye shes ‘byung gnas and the Anomalous Origins of the rDzogs pa chen po Sems sde A ro lugs (227 kb, pp. 9-30)
author: Morten Ostensen - From treatise to tantra: the Pure Golden Ore (rDo la gser zhun) and the Tantra of Meditation on Bodhicitta (Byang chub sems bsgom pa’i rgyud) (579 kb, pp. 31-108)
author: Karen Liljenberg - A Record of the Teachings of the Great Perfection in the Twelfth-century Zur Tradition (258 kb, pp. 109-128)
author: Matthew T. Kapstein - On Being ‘Impartial’ (ris med): From Non-Sectarianism to the Great Perfection (435 kb, pp. 129-158)
author: Marc-Henri Deroche - A Luminous Transcendence of Views: The Thirty Apophatic Topics in dPal dbyangs’s Thugs kyi sgron ma (297 kb, pp. 159-177)
author: Kammie Takahashi - Immeasurable, Yet No Bigger than Your Thumb: The Tshon Gang in Bon Dzogchen (622 kb, pp. 178-230)
author: Kurt Keutzer - Zhang Nyi ma ‘bum (1158–1213) et le développement des sNying thig au 12e siècle (447 kb, pp. 231-257)
author: Jean-Luc Achard