Le numéro 48 de la Revue d’Études Tibétaines vient d’être publié. Pour plus de détails, voir le site : http://himalaya.socanth.cam.ac.uk/collections/journals/ret/pdf/ret_48.pdf
- Full text (3 MB)
- Cover, contents (91 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Tibetan zero nominalization (96 kb, pp. 5-9) author: Nathan W. Hill
- Amdo politics and religion—Tuken Losang Choki Nyima (Thu’u bkwan Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, 1737-1802) (271 kb, pp. 10-35) author: Paul K. Nietupski
- A collection of Spiti songs sung at village festivals and private gatherings (271 kb, pp. 36-49) author: Veronika Hein
- The Mingled Melody: Remembering the Tibetan March 10th Uprising (387 kb, pp. 50-98)
- author: Lama Jabb
- An outline of the sound structure of Lhagang Choyu: A newly recognised highly endangered language in Khams Minyag (901 kb, pp. 99-151) author: Hiroyuki Suzuki & Sonam Wangmo
- Tibetan Studies and the Art of Dialogue (286 kb, pp. 152-169) author: Sarah H. Jacoby
- Pilgrimage Guide of the Tibetan Buddhist Holy Mountain Brag dkar sprel rdzong (185 kb, pp. 170-183) author: Nakza Drolma
- Material culture as proxy for language: the Himalayan evidence (2.3 MB, pp. 184-232) author: Maheshwar P. Joshi
- Compte-rendu de “Fabienne Jagou, The Hybridity of Buddhism, Etudes thématiques vol. 29, Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient, 2018” (104 kb, pp. 233-236) author: Jean-Luc Achard