L’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, avec le soutien de la Khyentse Foundation, annonce la création d’une bourse post-doctorale pour les années 2019-2020 pour des recherches portant sur le Bouddhisme (en particulier Bouddhisme tibétain et chinois).
Date limite pour envoyer sa candidature : 30 avril 2019
Annonce :
The program for Buddhist Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) is pleased to announce a new post-doctoral position at the university for the academic years of 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. The position is for a full academic year, beginning in October 2019 and continuing through September 2020, and is potentially renewable for a second year. The position has been made possible through the generosity of the Khyentse Foundation. The main requirements of the position are to conduct high quality research in Buddhist Studies and to contribute to the life of the program. The latter will include – (a) offering one graduate level two-point credit course in the field of Buddhist Studies: at HUJI a two-point credit course is offered throughout one semester, i.e. 14 weekly meetings of 90 minutes each, in either the fall or spring terms. (b) to offer support for our graduate students in their research, mainly through advanced reading in Buddhist languages. (c) to participate in the activities of the program.
Advanced knowledge of at least one classical Buddhist language is a must. Our main needs today are in Tibetan or Chinese Buddhism, but scholars from any field of Buddhist Studies are encouraged to apply. The scholarship will be of 33,000$ distributed evenly over twelve months, which should allow for relatively comfortable living in Jerusalem over the period of the scholarship.
In order to apply, please send the following documents to
buddhiststudies@mail.huji.ac.il: (a) a letter of intent and research program (up to 4 pages); (b) an updated CV; (c) one reading sample from the applicant’s publications; (d) two letters of recommendation should be sent directly by the recommenders, stating in the title that they are a recommendations for the applicant. The final date for the submission of applications is April 30, 2019. Results will be announced by the end of May at the very latest. For any further details or questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Eviatar Shulman at Eviatar.shulman@mail.huji.ac.il.