Nous vous annonçons la tenue de plusieurs conférences de Alexander Von Rospatt (Professor of Buddhist and South Asian Studies – University of California, Berkeley – Directeur d’Études invité à l’EPHE par Matthew Kapstein et Charles Ramble) sur le thème
du 7 au 19 décembre 2017
Toutes les conférences se tiendront à la Maison de l’Asie
22 av. du Président Wilson (Paris 16)
Nepalese Buddhism and its narrative traditions. An overview of the different versions of the Svayambhūpurāṇa, its content and narrative stategy
Writing Myth. The periodic renovations of the Svayambhū stūpa of Kathmandu, and how they shaped the mythological narrative of the Stūpa’s construction
The depiction of the Svayambhūpurāṇa in situ at the Svayambhū stūpa, stories of rainmaking, and the Purāṇa’s appropriation by the Hindu King Pratāpa Malla
The expansion and vernacularization of the Svayambhupurāṇa, and its depiction in the Paris and Virginia painted scrolls