Appel à communications : Chinese Borderlands in Transition: History, Space, and Culture

La Chinese University of Hong Kong lance un appel à communications pour l’atelier Young Scholars’ Forum in Chinese Studies 2022 qui se tiendra à Hong Kong entre le 28 et 30 mai.

Le thème de l’atelier est le suivant :

Chinese Borderlands in Transition: History, Space, and Culture

Les communications devront porter sur les sujets suivants :

1. Emergence of borderland communities and lifestyles; 2. Border-crossing and subsequent cultural activities; 3. Changes in religions and religious practices; 4. Changes in natural and artificial landscapes; 5. Memories and imageries of geographical and cultural boundaries; 6. Impacts on other geographical regions, cultural spaces, and intellectual domains. Participants are expected to be proficient in both English and Chinese.

Date limite pour envoyer sa proposition : 3 janvier 2022

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