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Corée : emploi en études tibétaines

Dongguk University - position in Tibetan Studies We are looking for a PhD or D.Phil specializing in the area of Tibetan Language and Esoteric Buddhism. This place has been held by Dr. Achim Bayer from Hamburg for 6 years. It is a [...]
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Bourses de terrain de l’EFEO

The Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) is currently accepting applications for the EFEO Field scholarships tenable for periods of research of 1 to 6 months during the second semester, 2016 in EFEO Centres in Asia. Applicants must hold a BA, MA [...]
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Bourses de mobilité post-doctorale de courte durée en Asie

Mobilité post-doctorale courte durée outgoing FMSH-EFEO: France> Asie Date limite de candidature : 1er décembre 2015   La Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (FMSH) et l'Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient (EFEO) proposent des [...]
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Annonce de poste en études tibétaines à Leipzig

Dear friends and colleagues, I am happy to announce the advertisement of the position of an assistant professor (tenure track) in Tibetan Studies (specializing in Tibetan Buddhism) at our Department. The position had been on the University's [...]
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Bourses Dynamiques Asiatiques pour étudiants et chercheurs

Appel à projets : étudiants Dynamiques asiatiques  Échanges, réseaux, mobilités Cher(e) Collègue, dans le cadre du PRES héSam, un financement a été octroyé à des actions de formation et de recherche sur l’Asie pour la période 2013-2016 [...]
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Bourse de terrain pour doctorants sur la Chine contemporaine CEFC

Short-term fieldwork grant for doctoral research on contemporary China - 2015 campaign - The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) is offering three fieldwork grants for doctoral students, ranging from one to three months, [...]
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Bourses de recherche du Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage et du Bridge Fund

The Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage is partnering with The Bridge Fund to support a five-year integrated development program to preserve cultural heritage and improve sustainable livelihoods in ethnic Tibetan communities in [...]