Dans le cadre du cycle de séminaires Treasure Seminar Series, organisé par le Tibetan & Himalayan Studies Centre de l’Université de Oxford, Stéphane Arguillère (INALCO), avec l’équipe du projet “For a Critical History of the Northern Treasures” (FCHNT), donnera la communication suivante :
The Successive Avatars of the Heart Essence of the Ḍākinī: Termas as Continuous Revelation
le mercredi 29 mai à 17h00 (heure GMT – 19h00 en France)
en ligne, via le lien Zoom suivant : https://bit.ly/treasureseminar
Résumé de la communication :
The Dzogchen cycle of the Northern Treasures, dGongs pa zang thal, re-uses much text from the mKha’ ‘gro snying thig, as one of its own texts acknowledges. We summarize our research into the gradual revelation of the mKha’ ‘gro snying thig: after initial discovery in 1313, it seems to have been rewritten and expanded several times, intertwined with the piecemeal decipherment of its brda yig, not completed until 1331 or even the 1340’s with Klong chen pa’s finalization. There is also evidence of an ongoing « translation » of the brda yig for the Northern Treasures. Our research tests if ostensibly distinct terma cycles might be successive versions of one and the same text, initially scrutinising the Padma snying thig category of the Rin chen gter mdzod: to what extent can the termas of its various tertons be considered variations of one and the same text? Can we establish a typology to divide the Dzogchen corpus (etc.) into groups of cycles, which would then be successive layers in the ongoing process of rewriting a single corpus over decades and sometimes centuries, in a continuous work involving many different persons? The key idea is that Cantwell’s (2020) findings from the liturgical works of the Düdjom Vajrakīlaya traditions might seem to apply to terma literature as a whole, if properly divided into typological categories.
Pour de plus amples informations sur les autres séances du cycle de séminaires, voir la page suivante : https://thsc.web.ox.ac.uk/treasure-seminar-series