La SFEMT a le plaisir d’annoncer, dans le cadre du Cycle conférences SFEMT 2017, la tenue de la conférence suivante :
Federica Venturi, chercheuse dans le projet TibArmy (CRCAO/CNRS)
Landscapes and Texts:
Two dkar chag of the Monastery of Sa skya as Sources of Textual Archeology
La conférence se tiendra le mercredi 8 novembre, salle 3.03, à l’INALCO, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, de 17h30 à 19h30
Résumé :
This paper will present an overall panorama of the religious and architectural
history of of Sa skya on the basis of two dkar chag of the monastery. The first is thought
to be the earliest archival catalogue of the monastery of Sa skya. It was composed by
Mus srad pa rDo rje rgyal mtshan in the last quarter of the 15 th century as the final chapter
of his Sa skya gdung rabs. The second is a dkar chag proper, and was composed at the
very beginning of the 17th century by a monk who may have worked as the monastery's
caretaker (dkon gnyer).
By comparing these two texts it is possible to reconstruct the various phases of
growth and contraction of the monastery, which become apparent both through the
records of its political and religious successes as well as of its phases of economic
expansion, signalled by an increase in construction of temples, gilded reliquaries,and
other religious monuments. This paper will thus highlight the way in which the literary
genre of dkar chag may be used as a source of textual archeology, as these texts often
provide data on architectural and artistic features of holy places that have not survived to
the present time.