La SFEMT a le plaisir de vous convier à une nouvelle rencontre du cycle « Conférences SFEMT 2017 ». Maria Turek (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Allemagne), tiendra une conférence dont le titre est “Nangchen: Old Kingdom According to New Sources.”, le jeudi 9 mars, entre 17h30 et 19h00, dans la salle 5.12, à l’INALCO (65 Rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris).
Nous vous rappelons que le même jour, dans la même salle, de 16h30 à 17h30, aura lieu l’Assemblée Générale de la SFEMT.
The Eastern Tibetan kingdom of Nangchen (1300-1951) located in in today’s Southern Qinghai counts among those Tibetan and Himalayan historical polities that have only received minimal scholarly attention. Most studies or mentions of the kingdom that do exist are in fact reiterations of colonial narratives, in which the position of Nangchen is peripherised and reduced to an outpost of the different powers dominating or neighboring the realm: the Kokonor Quoxots, the Central Tibetan government, the Qing empire or the Muslim warlord Ma Bufang. This presentation seeks to counteract such an image and introduce Nangchen as a self-referential sphere with a long legacy of political autonomy and cultural effervescence. The sources for this radical reassessment of Nangchen’s significance are contemporary accounts on local history and religious tradition published both in the People’s Republic of China and among Tibetans in exile. This material, paired with the fairly recent feasibility to collect data from historical witnesses and local annalists in Nangchen itself is invaluable especially in absence/ inaccessibility of archival records or original documents.