**La conférence est annulée**
La SFEMT a le plaisir d’annoncer la tenue, dans le cadre du Cycle Conférences SFEMT 2019/2020, de la conférence suivante le jeudi 12 mars à 17h30 dans la salle 3.15 de l’INALCO (65, rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris)
- John Harrison (architecte des monuments historiques, spécialiste de l’Himalaya) donnera une conférence sur le thème : Vernacular Architecture in Mustang, Nepal.
**La présentation d’ouvrage de Stéphane Gros initialement prévue à 17h30 est annulée**
Résumé de la conférence de John Harrison :
Mustang is an ethnic Tibetan area in northern Nepal on the border with Chinese Tibet. The language is Tibetan and the architecture of the Buddhist temples is Tibetan. But to what extent is that true of the vernacular architecture of houses and settlements? This talk will look at that architecture in its setting in the Kali Gandaki valley, between the 8000 metre peaks of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna in the south, and on the Tibetan plateau beyond the Himalaya, considering the variety of settlements, housing, and building construction, and the influences from north and south which continue to affect the buildings of Mustang.