Le Centre of Buddhist Studies (CBS) à Université de Hong Kong annonce le recrutement d’un.e professeur.e (assistant professor) en bouddhisme contemporain en Asie.
La date limite pour envoyer sa candidature est le 28 février 2023. Le poste est à pourvoir pour la rentrée 2023/2024.
Voir l’annonce ci-dessous :
Applications are invited for appointment as Non-Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Contemporary Buddhism in Asia in the Centre of Buddhist Studies (Ref.: 519071), to commence on September 1, 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter, on a three-year fixed-term basis, with the possibility of renewal.
The Centre of Buddhist Studies (CBS) was established at the University of Hong Kong in September 2000 and is aligned with the ways Buddhist Studies is developing and advancing. It is the first of its kind academic institution to be set up in the region to promote the systematic examination and research into all traditions and aspects of Buddhism from various methodological and disciplinary perspectives. CBS is offering a broad range of courses on foundational and emerging topics in Buddhist studies at the graduate level (Master of Buddhist Studies and Master of Buddhist Counselling), the undergraduate level (electives, common core courses, and a Minor in Buddhist Studies), and fosters advanced postgraduate research (M.Phil. and Ph.D.). The Centre promotes innovative thinking and new horizons for Buddhist studies and research. Information about the Centre can be obtained at http://www.buddhism.hku.hk.
Applicants must possess a Ph.D. degree in Buddhist Studies or in a related discipline with a clear focus on Buddhism in Asian cultures and societies. They should have interest in the whole history of Buddhism and possess expertise in one or more contemporary Asian Buddhist traditions and are able to work with Buddhist oral histories and textual sources. Successful applicants should possess an internationally diverse academic profile and teaching experience in a recognized tertiary institution. They should also have leading publications in their area of expertise and an ongoing research agenda. Furthermore, they should have experience in collaborative academic activities such as conferences, workshops, and research projects. Desirable qualifications for this post include proficiency in at least two languages used for research in contemporary Asian Buddhist societies, expertise in transregional and cross-cultural Buddhist interactions in East Asia, a record of competitive research grants, and the ability to translate from primary Buddhist sources.
The appointee is expected to make a substantial contribution to the Centre’s strategic development by fostering academic collaborations and knowledge exchange locally, regionally, and internationally; lead the development of rigorous, interdisciplinary, and collaborative research initiatives; and apply for competitive research grants. He/She is also expected to excel in innovative undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, attract and supervise international research students, and to contribute to the effective operation of the Centre. The current teaching load is set at four courses per year.
A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits. At current rates, salaries tax does not exceed 15% of gross income. The appointment will attract a contract-end gratuity and University contribution to a retirement benefits scheme, totaling up to 15% of basic salary. Housing benefits will be provided as applicable.
The University only accepts online application for the above post. Applicants should apply online at the University’s careers site (https://jobs.hku.hk) and upload an up-to-date C.V., a cover letter detailing how they meet the criteria for this post, a one-page statement on advancing diversity and inclusion, and the contact information of three senior academics who are familiar with the applicant’s academic background and research experience (less than 20MB, 20 pages maximum). For enquiries about the post, please write to Dr. Georgios Halkias, Director of the Centre of Buddhist Studies (e-mail: halkias@hku.hk). Review of applications will commence as soon as possible and continue until February 28, 2023 or until the post is filled, whichever is earlier.
The University is committed to diversity and inclusivity. The Faculty of Arts expressly encourages qualified persons from all genders to apply.