La traduction de l’autobiographie du Cinquième Dalaï-lama par Samten Karmay est parue récemment aux éditions Serindia, sous le titre : The Illusive Play.
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The Autobiography of the Fifth Dalai Lama
is an English translation of the autobiography of Ngagwang
Lobzang Gyatsho, the Fifth Dalai Lama (1617–1682). The work
is of exceptional value because it has taken such care to give
a precise chronology throughout its entire length. Lobzang
Gyatsho’s autobiography is therefore a veritable witness to the life
and culture of Tibet in the the 17th century, which was a formative
period for the establishment of the Tibetan Buddhist theocracy.
In addition, the major events in which he himself played a pivotal
role are presented: the overthrow of the king of Tsang, the creation
of the Tibetan theocratic state with the founding of the Gaden
Photrang government, the building of the Potala Palace and
the undertaking of major diplomatic relationships with foreign
powers, such as the Mongols and the Manchu empire. All these
events are either alluded to or fully recounted in a personal way,
so that on reading them one cannot help but feel the momentous
occasions which the author recounts from his own experience.