Bourses de post-doctorat à la SSM à l’Université Federico II, Naples

La Scuola Superiore Meridionale (SSM) de l’Université Federico II, à Naples, annonce la mise en place de plusieurs bourses de post-doctorat sur différentes thématiques dont la Global History and Governance (pour toutes les aires culturelles, y compris l’Asie). Les bourses ont une durée de un an (renouvelable deux fois) avec un début pour novembre 2021.
La date limite pour envoyer sa candidature est le 31 août 2021.

Pour plus de renseignements, voir la page :

Description :

Research projects should focus on the globalization processes that have characterized various features of the
planet and should take a comparative approach. Only projects with a chronological research period between
the 16th and 21st centuries will be taken into consideration. Projects can take either a macro or micro scale
approach to the research topic at hand.
Specifically, research projects focusing on the following areas will be held in high regard for consideration:
the relations between historical processes, legal regimes and the organization of power; the
interdependencies between economic, political, legal, cultural and social factors; and the circulation,
exchange and interconnection of ideas, people, institutions, legal cultures, political models, concepts, rights
and goods on a global scale.
By way of example, projects may address themes related to: empires in modern and contemporary ages;
states, wars and violence in the 19th and 20th centuries; history of slavery and forced labor; Europe’s legal
heritage and its integration; religions and the sacred in the modern and contemporary world; history,
conceptions and practices of citizenship; states, nations, languages, peoples, classes; legal comparison in
modern and contemporary ages; European and international institutions; technical standards, indicators,
global finance and trade; public powers, private powers and global governance; general principles of law and
methods of dispute resolution.

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